Hi! I’m Alyse Freda-Colon!

And, yes… you need therapy.

Alyse Freda-Colon - best women's therapist in Huntington, NY -- poses in a Barbie shirt.

Not in a judgy way.

In a “it’s time to stop making excuses and finally fix this shit” way.

I know I know…you’ve tried everything.

But no matter how much you meditate (#mindfulness), you can’t shut your brain off.

You need a therapist to talk to. That’s where I come in.

Click below to see me in person in Huntington, New York or virtually from anywhere in New York state.

Let’s talk about what’s happening for you!

Floral graphic for Alyse Freda-Colon branding.

I see you, my fellow New Yorker.

It’s 2 am and you are in bed worrying… about everything.

Most of your worries start with the phrase “what if”.

You worry about stuff that you know will probably never happen but it’s like you have no control over the thoughts that enter your head . . . and everything always feels worse at 2 am.

You get a headache and decide that it must be a brain tumor…I mean what else could it possibly be? You start planning the funeral service in your mind…

If this is you, you need a therapist to talk to, and I can help.

Don’t waste another night worrying.

Book a session with Alyse Freda-Colon.

You are an overthinker.

And it SUCKS.

You obsess over whether someone is mad at you because they replied to your text with OK. Just OK. No exclamation point, no emoji, nothing. Just OK.

So, naturally, you conclude she is mad at you and you spend the next four days obsessively analyzing what you could have done wrong. You try to come up with a casual, witty text to send to test the waters to see if she hates you…your brain just does not stop!

You wish you could shrug things off and move on, but shit stays with you and takes up residence in your head and then you can’t stop thinking about it.

You’ve read the books, you’ve manifested. You created a vision board. You started yoga. #selfcare. You have days worth of podcasts queued up on Spotify to help get your anxiety under control. And still.

You’re up to at least 2 glasses of wine a night and that sort of quiets down the noise in your head. Come to think of it, maybe it’s technically 3 glasses if you were actually measuring…

You play out worst case, disaster-type scenarios in your head so that when shit hits the fan, you are prepared (or so you think). Your life feels out of control.

You feel you have no right to complain. Your life is good! There are people with REAL problems…so why can’t you stop worrying and overthinking?!

You know that if you could just live in the moment, you’d be a better wife, a better mom, hell, a better you.

It’s time to do something that actually works. You need a therapist to talk to.

Book a session with Huntington, New York-based self-care therapist Alyse Freda-Colon.

I am Alyse Freda-Colon and my dear, you are in the right place. I am so glad you finally found me.

Alyse Freda-Colon - best self care therapist in Huntington NY - poses in a pink sweater.

If you hear the word therapy and think about someone sitting across from you, nodding and saying “hmmmm” and “how does that make you feel?” THIS IS NOT THAT KIND OF THERAPY!

This is “figure out what’s working in your life, what isn’t working, what needs to happen to get you from where you are now to where you ultimately want to be and get that shit done” type of therapy.

This is a space where I am going to tell it to you straight, and where I'm going to be blunt with you (don't worry, I'll do it with compassion!).


Because therapy with me is all about results. I love a list, an action plan, a real-life scenario to dissect…we will apply what we are working on to your actual life. FOR REAL!

I am a fan of assignments and challenges. And if you aren’t already a fan of assignments and challenges, I predict that you will be soon.

One of my superpowers is the ability to zoom out and see the big picture long before you will likely see it. I am able to cut through all the noise and BS and get to the root of the issue and name it. Then we will come up with a very intentional and purposeful plan to fix it.

You will be able to take what we work on and use it on a daily basis. I’ve been described as as optimistic, sunny, sparkly (#winning!), and compassionately blunt.

And it happens to make for pretty damn effective therapy.

Ready to get real and actually make a change? We can meet in person in Huntington, New York or virtually from anywhere in New York state. Click below to begin!

You’re a New Yorker, so let’s do some straight talk: the most important component in therapy is the relationship you have with your therapist.

It is more important than her technique, where she went to school, and the letters after her name. The relationship is THE THING that is going to result in transformation. That, and your willingness to actively participate, but let’s assume you’re totally there.

And btw, I went to an Ivy League school and I’ve got the letters after my name. That stuff is important, but the relationship you develop (or don’t develop) with your therapist can make or break the whole thing.

Sometimes it’s a good fit and sometimes it isn’t. And that’s OK. But when you find the person who makes you feel heard, safe, respected, and who you can laugh your ass off with while at the same time doing some fantastic work, you have hit the jackpot.

My office mate has been known to say, “You are having waaaay too much fun in your sessions” because there is often laughter echoing through the suite. Therapy doesn’t have to be dark and stuffy and heavy and serious…sometimes it’s light and funny and inspiring.

A disco ball full of candy, representing Alyse Freda-Colon's laughter-filled approach to therapy.

If we do end up working together — whether in person in Huntington, NY or virtually from anywhere in New York state — know that I will be your sounding board, your reality check, and your cheerleader. And, I will hold you accountable to your goals, even if it means being compassionately blunt at times.


Because me co-signing your bullshit isn't going to get you anywhere. We only get this one life and I don’t want you to waste any more time spiraling. Stop letting your thoughts control you and finally learn to turn down the noise in your head.

Don’t spend another sleepless night catastrophizing!

Get in touch and let’s see if we might be a good fit and lets do this damn thing already! We can meet in-person in Huntington, New York or virtually from anywhere in New York state.

Can’t wait! xo Alyse Freda-Colon

My Therapy Offerings

  • Pink flowers.

    Individual Therapy Session: 45 minutes

    I believe that therapy can be fun...actually fun. Of course we do the tough work and sometimes there are tears (which I always welcome....the tears you cry in my office mean less pain you carry around with you so bring it on). But, it is done with love, care, and humor.

    This will not be the boring, blank-slate, “how-does-that-make-you-feel” therapy of your parents’ generation. It will be collaborative, exciting, and joyful. Plus, I have a lava lamp and sparkle pillows in my office. Need I say more?

    Meet me in person in Huntington, New York or virtually from anywhere in New York state.

  • Cookie which reads "let's go girls."

    Therapy Intensives

    Love to binge watch TV shows? How about binging your therapy?!

    We will block out a number of hours over the course of a week or several weeks to meet out in nature or in the office in an intensive format.

    If you leave your therapy sessions wishing you had more time or if at the end of the session you’ve often thought, “bummer, we were just getting to the good stuff,” then intensives might be right for you.

    Therapy intensives can take place in person in Huntington, New York or virtually from anywhere in New York state.


  • We will have a consult call and I will get a sense of you, what you are looking to accomplish in therapy, and if I feel I am the right person for you to work with. If I think I can help, I will let you know that and, if you agree, we will schedule an initial appointment. Once we meet you will get a better idea of how I work, if we vibe, and if it feels right. I generally recommend people give a therapist 2 or 3 sessions to see if it feels like a good match. Usually your gut will let you know if you are in the right place.

  • First things first: you are not broken and don’t require fixing, you likely just need some polishing. Second, I have no idea. Seriously, I need to get to know you and in time we will both gain a better understanding about your goals and when we are close to reaching them. You don’t have to come to therapy forever (though some people love therapy and never want to stop)!

  • Nope. I do not work with any insurance companies. You can check to see if you have out-of-network benefits and, if you do, I can provide you with a receipt to submit for reimbursement. But I do not communicate with insurance companies and I have no control over your reimbursement or insurance plan. If you are looking for an inexpensive or insurance-paneled therapist, that’s not me.

  • Typically I like to start by meeting weekly as we establish and begin working towards your goals. When we feel you are close to achieving them, sometimes we cut back to bi-weekly sessions, and then eventually cut back further, all depending on the individual and the situation. But to begin I find weekly sessions to be best.

  • I have been doing this work for a long time. I am very good at what I do and I also know that there are some issues a client might present with where I am not your girl. I try to only take on a client if I feel pretty confident that I am the right person for them to work with. So if we talk and I don’t feel we are a good fit, I will refer you out. Do not be offended by that. Seriously. If a therapist tells you that they are not the best person to work with you, believe them. They are trying to guide you in the right direction and do what is best for you. It is not a rejection. It is a beautiful gift. Receive it as such.

    I can tell you we will not be a good fit if you are looking to do deep trauma healing, psychoanalytic type work, if you don’t have a sense of humor, or if you are looking for someone to cosign your BS and not call you out.

    We also will not be a good fit if you are very invested in staying stuck and tend to use the phrase “yeah, but…” a lot. For instance:

    Me: Have you ever considered that the way you reacted actually made the situation worse?”

    You: “Yeah, but that’s not it. Let me tell you why it’s someone else’s fault."

    If you’re a yeah but-ter, you might not be ready to do the work. I am clear and direct and this is for your benefit. I will absolutely call you out when necessary. But in a nice way.

  • I am primarily a women's therapist, though I do also see men. I do not work with couples or children. The youngest client I will see is about 17 and must be highly motivated, coming to therapy of their own volition. I work in a pretty behavioral way, sort of like cognitive behavioral if that’s a term you are familiar with.

  • I work with therapy clients in person in Huntington, New York or virtually from anywhere in New York state.

As Seen On . . .
