Does Your Therapist Like You?

When you’re sitting on someone’s couch spilling your guts every week, it’s totally normal to wonder what that person thinks of you (p.s. - if you are a big cry-in-therapy kind of person, check out this blog all about it!).

If you’ve wondered:

“Does my therapist think I’m annoying?”

“How does my therapist feel about me?”

“Does my therapist even like me?!”

“Am I a totally boring client?”

“Does my therapist think I’m just whining and wasting their time?!”

I have news for you! 🥁🥁🥁

If you think your therapist doesn’t like you, think again! Your therapist probably really likes you.

Woman holds face in hands, showing how it feels to wonder 'Does my therapist like me?'

Here’s the inside scoop from a longtime therapist...

Therapists tend to work with clients they really like. So, if you’re wondering how your therapist feels about you, I encourage you to let that worry go.

The right clients naturally find the right therapists, so there’s no reason to stress about whether your therapist likes you.

As therapists, we attract the clients who are naturally a good fit for us-we speak the same language and we get each other...and the clients who wouldn’t be a good fit often don’t ever get to the point of meeting us...because they chose a therapist who they clicked with too!

Whether it’s the language on their website or their energy or some more ethereal factor, therapists tend to attract their ideal clients and their ideal clients will be drawn to them. So, just know that — if you’re spending a lot of time thinking to yourself, “does my therapist like me?” — you’re likely stressing for no reason.

But also, know that not every therapist is supposed to be a good fit for everyone, and that’s okay!

Not every therapist is meant to be a good fit for every client. Therapists are not interchangeable. They are unique humans who possess different personalities, skills, experience and styles.

Different strokes for different folks, right?

When the vibe is right, you just know it. You feel it in your gut. And when you are not vibing, you probably feel that too. Sometimes it takes a few sessions to assess this-which is totally cool.

You deserve to feel like your therapist’s favorite. So, what do you do when you don’t think your therapist likes you?

If you saw a therapist and didn’t like them or felt they didn’t get you...please try someone else!

I think everyone should feel like they are their therapist’s favorite. That means you found someone who makes you feel safe and heard and seen. Jackpot!

So, if you feel like your therapist doesn’t like you or you’re often left wondering how your therapist feels about you, it might be a sign that you need a new therapist.

Don’t give up on therapy altogether. I always recommend asking any therapist friends you might have for the names of some colleagues they can recommend-a lot of us therapists know each other and are thrilled to be able to connect you.

Um, I kind of want to work with YOU!

Do you feel like we click?

If you have read my blogs, watched my TikToks, or otherwise seen me around and felt like we might be a good fit, I encourage you to reach out. Just email me!  I am a therapist for people living in New York (  and I do coaching for clients regardless of location (

If you’re not so sure about trying therapy or coaching at the moment, you’re still invited to hang out and take advantage of my free resources.

First, sign up for my newsletter where I talk everything therapy. There’s awesome stuff there and you’ll get to read every blog I release and you’ll know about every new service I offer for both coaching and therapy. It’s kinda like getting the inside scoop before anyone else (well, a little like that but you know what I mean).

Next, check out my social media and follow me! There’s lots of silly and educational stuff going on over there. Here’s where to find me: Facebook | TikTok | Instagram.

Talk to you soon!



P.S. - this blog was inspired by a TikTok I made that a lot of people seemed to like! Check it out here, and be sure to give me a follow.


Why go to therapy when you can just vent to a friend?


Is Crying in Therapy Normal?